Lynne Voggu, Executive Director
Lynne is the founder and Executive Director of Agape International. She visited India frequently, and was deeply impacted by the suffering due to AIDS. She moved there in 2003 to found Agape to help children orphaned because of AIDS. Lynne continues to oversee all of the operations of Agape AIDS Orphan care.
Prior to moving to India, Lynne worked in investment management with D. K. Brede Investment Management Co. Inc.. She was also involved with a number of nonprofits including The Massachusetts Easter Seal Society, WGBH Public Radio, and Abby’s Shelter. Lynne and her son James are committed to Agape and life in India.
Agape’s Operations in the United States
Agape has an operating committee in the U.S. that oversees donor relations, fundraising & event management, and legal compliance & financial reporting. All U.S. staff are volunteers - allowing virtually all funds raised to be used to support Agape's children.
The operating committee’s responsibilities are primarily to find ways to increase awareness about Agape, raise funds for the children by widening the donor base and requesting grants from foundations and corporations, and to manage day-to-day administrative operations cost-effectively.
Please contact with questions.
Doug Macrae, Board Chairman
Debra Brede, Member
Julie Macrae, Member
Ken Brede, Member
Eleanor Gorsey, Member
Greg Hopwood, Member
Sam Rodriguez, Member
Yogi Mahendra, Member
Lynne Voggu, Founder & Executive Director of Agape